Prepare to Mentor: An online course for the new mentor

Fast track your mentoring practice and your mentoring career

This course will help you develop essential mentoring skills and qualities so that you feel super confident in your role as a mentor and know how to foster a meaningful mentoring relationship with your mentee.

Prepae to Mentor provides you with a roadmap for your mentoring skill development and will help you get ready to be a mentor.

How does the course work?

The course is six weeks, self-paced, made up of six modules that step you through the fundamentals of mentoring. You will be given a wide range of mentoring tools, techniques, templates and strategies that will help you build your skills and help your mentee achieve their goals.

Individualised Support

During the course you will have two 1-1 mentoring meetings with me. These meetings provide you with individualised support where together we review your goals, discuss your learning from each module and help you apply your learning to develop your confidence and skills as a mentor. And, at any time during the course if you are feeling a little stuck or you have a question you would really like answered, you can contact me.

Bonus Offer

Oh yes, and you receive a free copy of my “Conversations that Count” Scenarios Handbook for the mentor. This handbook has 18 real mentor-mentee case studies with suggested question starters you could use to work through each and reach a positive outcome.